Thursday, January 10, 2013

          As per failing of my "Before New Year's" resolution due to lack of interest, I've incorporated gaming into a major aspect of my 2013 resolutions. I'm leaving this as an active list for myself and friends who, via other means, are also tracking their achievements (virtual, professional, financial and tangible) throughout 2013. So without further ado: My checklist for 2013:




Titles over the 50% completion threshold (achievements in both number and GS, w/ story completion):

Tetris Splash                                             6. Wordament
2. Astropop                                                   7. Jeopardy
3. Plants Vs. Zombies                                    8. X-Men: Destiny
4. Alpha Protocol                                           9.
5. Tekken Tag Tournament 2                         10.

Titles @ 100% completion (Additional to 50%. Titles can not be counted twice.)

1. A World of Keflings                                   8.                                          15.
2.  Borderlands 2                                           9.
3.                                                                 10.
4.                                                                 11.
5.                                                                 12.
6.                                                                 13.
7.                                                                 14.


Dean's List in both semesters.   Spring:  X       Fall:

Martial Arts:

Completion of the 11 form "families" as found in Karate-do Kyohan, with understanding through tertiary usages and bunkai. Likely keeping to Hirokazu Kanazawa's "style."
-This might likely be impossible, given my schedule and rank, but who doesn't like a challenge?

1. Taikyoku                                                6. Gankaku                      11. Ten no Kata
2. Heian                                                      7. Jutte
3. Bassai                                                     8. Hangetsu
4. Kwanku                                                   9. Tekki
5. Empi                                                       10. Jion

Two new TKD forms of my choosing (who cares for order?).
1.                                                    2.

Two new Chinese forms of my choosing (who cares for styles?)
1.                                                    2.


5k Time: